+55 (81) 3552-5555
+55 (81) 98129-4126
You have at your fingertips the possibility of staying at Enotel Network hotels and 4,300 affiliated hotels around the world with greater comfort, practicality and safety.
The member purchases the program, pays a single purchase price and has the right to use a certain number of points so that they can use it every year. It works like a prepaid account. The year has 52 weeks, we divide them into modules of weeks to facilitate and offer flexibility in using the seasons. The member has the option of booking Enotel hotels or exchanging with RCI in other destinations around the world.
Travel more, give as gifts to those you love, exchange or exchange, use and pay only for what you really use, Greater cost-benefit as daily rates are much lower than conventional hotels, transfers through points, daily rates by price frozen for the duration of the contract and flexibility of use.
Yes, the program has no grace period, it only uses the proportional points previously paid.
The use of all hotel and leisure facilities. The use of free consumption of outsourced services such as: Laundry, telephone, Spa and transfer is not included.
It's super simple, we'll take you step by step on how to book at Enotel Porto de Galinhas or Ilha da Madeira and how to book at destinations through RCI (the world's leading exchange company in the field).
The All Inclusive payment benefit in points is exclusive to Enotel Hotels (Porto de Galinhas and Ilha da Madeira).
55 (81) 3552-5545 55 (81) 3552-5545
enotelclub@enotel.com.br enotelclub@enotel.com.br